Symptoms of stress headaches and body pain.

Life with headaches and body pain can be debilitating, frustrating and energy draining.

Although headaches can be caused by a variety of health concerns, stress headaches in particular are often the ones that run up from the back of your neck, across your head, over your eye brows and behind your eyes.

If you are suffering from these headaches, we recommend it taking notice of your posture. Look at your hands, are your fists clenched? Are you shoulders rolled forward? Do you have a sore lower back? Do your chest muscles feel tight when you stretch your arms backwards to open up your chest?

Mental, physical and chemical stress causes your body to go into fight or flight mode.

Stress tightens your upper body into a boxer or runners like stance, ready to fight or run.

Long term stress from our busy modern lives or traumatic events can cause ongoing body aches and pains as a result of constant tension in this unnatural body position.

Your nervous system co-ordinates the actions that take place throughout your entire body, to get rid of stress headaches it is vital to reduce stress and tension on your nervous system to ensure that it can function in the best and most efficient way possible.

Regular Network Chiropractic Entrainments help ensure that your brain is effectively communicating with your body, and most importantly, that your body is able to communicate with your brain. Your brain is similar to the motherboard of your smartphone, it is constantly undertaking multiple and varied tasks that inter lap and all happen at the same time. Your brain is always simultaneously multitasking.

Plus on average your brain in today’s technological advanced and overloaded world are exposed to 34 gigabytes a day (that is a lot). With so much multitasking and data sorting it’s no wonder we feel headaches, mental fog and stress creep in.

Smart phones and the human brain are really similar in the way that both work on a garbage in garbage out pattern.

If your brain is receiving mixed signals or no signals from your body, then it is unable to make decisions on how to regulate the body.

Think of a time when you felt like you had way to many tabs open in your mind, you kept flicking to one open tab and getting distracted by all the others that were open. Constant to do lists, your racing mind causing a racing heart rate and upping your levels of anxiety.

If you have too many tabs open in your mind ‘browser’ then your brain becomes overwhelmed. Over time it will begin to simply leave out information and then ignore basic signals.

You’ll start having the dreaded mind fog, headaches, body pain, memory loss, digestive upset and all the other symptoms of dysfunction that an overloaded and malfunctioning brain creates in the physical body.

Good news is, there are solutions to stress headaches and an overstimulated mind. We work on giving your mind and body space and refuge. We assist your central nervous system to find calm and reorganize your internal wiring.

We are also mindful about reducing other Physical, Chemical and Emotional stressors in your life through educational workshops.

Identifying and removing harmful stressors is the ideal outcome from your journey with us at Elements Chiropractic in Nerang.

The more you know, the more you can heal.

Yours in health,

The Elements Chiropractic team.


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