Suffering with the chronic pain and debilitating symptoms associated with fibromyalgia?
Find out more about a gentle treatment designed to improve the way your body responds to pain.
As many as 1 in 20 Australians suffer from Fibromyalgia. It’s sometimes known as the invisible disease because despite appearing fine, sufferers report a wide range of painful and debilitating symptoms that significantly impact their lives. Usual treatment options include exercise, massage, diet changes, counselling, painkillers and antidepressants.
And whilst painkillers and anti-depressants may help short term, they have ongoing side-effects that may affect fibromyalgia sufferers in other ways.
The range of Fibromyalgia symptoms can include:
Chronic pain
Increased sensitivity to pain
Extreme fatigue
Brain fog
Problems with sleep
Widespread muscle pain and tenderness
Sensitivity to heat, light, cold or smell
Hormonal problems
Weight gain
As a Fibromyalgia sufferer, because of the extreme sensitivity and ongoing chronic pain you suffer, you may be afraid that trying a different treatment that may cause you more pain.
At Elements Chiropractic, we use a gentle, relaxing approach to treat your fibromyalgia symptoms. We know you have increased pain sensitivity and are suffering from a range of painful symptoms, so we do not manipulate, adjust, crack, pop or force your neck or spine
So what do we do?
We utilise a low-force and gentle technique called Network Spinal Analysis Network Spinal Analysis is a solution that helps you to release tension and stress in your nervous system, and help calm and release the muscle tension that is usually causing your pain. Rather than focusing on the symptoms, we focus on removing the underlying problem first so the symptoms no longer need to be present in your body.
We won’t:
Crack your spine or use heavy force on your body
Put you on an endless treatment plan for months at a time
Make you feel like you are in a production line – we spend 20-30 minutes with you every visit
We will:
Take the time to understand your current condition and health history (our first appointment is 90 minutes)
Give you the tools and techniques to help you improve your body and mind
Give you an explanation as to why you are experiencing pain and discomfort
Find out what the Elements team can do to help to manage your painful fibromyalgia symptoms and improve your quality of life. Book online for your initial consultation with our Chiropractors today.
Meet our Team
Our team of Chiropractors are here to help you on your health journey. Meet our Chiropractors before you arrive into the practice.
Opening Hours
Mo 9am-6pm
Tu 9am-6pm
We 9am-4pm
Th 9am-1pm
Fr 9am - 5pm
Sa Closed
Su 3pm-6pm
Let go of stress and love your body
Gentle Chiropractic helps your body remove tension and stress naturally.