Fertility on the gold Coast

Take a moment to ponder just how incredible the process of creating a life is.

It is literally a miracle and although the physical process of making a baby may seem relatively simple, humans and our inner workings are extremely complex.

The chances of failing pregnant are around 20-25% in healthy and fertile people under the age of 35. As we age this percentage drops, health issues, chronic stress and lifestyle factors like smoking and alcohol for both men and women all have direct influence on the success rate of conception.

It can be a frustrating, stressful and lonely time for all genders when you are trying to fall pregnant. While there is so much advice out there, it can be a long road to success. What we love is that Network Chiropractic care works to simply restore & optimise your body’s inborn ability to create life.

As a dad of an amazing one year old daughter, I know personally how Network Chiropractic care and the following tips supported my wife and I on our journey:

Stress Less

Stress is the number one ‘get rid of’ on the list of what not to do’s. There are strong connections between stress and fertility. Stress shows up in all areas of the body, in pain, restlessness, anxiety, fear and habits that are hurtful not helpful. Network Chiropractic aligns your body, mind and spirit, helps you work through and address the issues as they arise, clearing the path for new life to have a safe space to thrive.

Gentle Exercise

Balance is key, being a gym junkie actually creates a lot of stress on your body. Gentle, fun, relaxing and enjoyable daily exercise reduces your stress, clears and centres your mind, increases the chances of both sexes to create a successful pregnancy and creates a strong base fitness for a healthy labour.

Food of life

The building blocks of life are in the food we eat. Mindfully eating a healthy, balanced diet of organic foods and healthy fats gives your body the building blocks to heal, repair and, you guessed it… create.

Speaking of mindfulness

Meditation, mindfulness and breath awareness isn’t just for flower crowned yoga lovers. Good things happen in your body when you are deeply and completely relaxed. Hormones balance, body awareness increases, stress levels reduce and a fertile foundation can grow. A rabbit being chased through the woods isn’t going to be thinking about falling pregnant, our minds and bodies need to be at complete rest for fertility to be our central nervous systems focus.

Booze, Smokes, Pain medication & False Advertising

Smoking and excess alcohol is a pretty obvious deal breaker when it comes to reducing the stress and toxic load on your body. Did you know, pain medication, specifically anti-inflammatory’s as well as popular preconception vitamins are also big culprits when it comes to hindering fertility. Even some remedial (hard) massage can put your body through undue stress which negatively affects your fertility.

So what next?

Research, asking lots of questions and being open minded is key when it comes to seeking out the do’s and don’ts of preconception health that will benefit you. The main take away for us on our journey was that it always comes down to stress.

The sooner you reduce, remove and work through the layers of physical, emotional and environmental stress in your body, the funner and more effortless creating life becomes.

If you are interested to know how you can achieve a healthy family, then I encourage you to make a time to go through all these tips and more in detail, taking in specifically what applies to your circumstances.

Every one deserves the chance to become a parent if that’s what they aspire to do and there is true strength in asking for help and having support along the way.

You can find me at my practice Elements Chiropractic Nerang or reach me over the phone.

Book a one on one by emailing or calling.

Yours in health,

Dr Andrew Gladigau.


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